Archive | March, 2014

They’re here!

11 Mar

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday feels like Christmas at the Alumni Center. Our magazine printer, Brian Downing of Rock Communications, just delivered a preview box of the special VISIONS Across America issue. I can’t tell you how exciting it is to finally be able to hold this magazine in my hands after working on this project for more than three years. It’s unbelievable.

Here’s a picture of VISIONS designer Scott Thornton and me with the Rock gang last week. We were in Newton watching the press run for two full days. Since they ran the magazine from front to back, and it’s organized from the West Coast states to the Northeast states, when it was on press it just felt like a freight train barreling across the country.


The magazine will be mailed to ISU Alumni Association members by the beginning of next week. If you want to order extra copies, or if you’re not a member and you want a copy, go to (copies are $10 for members, $12 for non-members).